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LindowsOS sneak preview -- it's not vaporware after all

Thanks to Toxikk for sending this info via email.

Here's the excerpt from the reviewers @ NewsForge:

I found a copy of the LindowsOS sneak preview lying around and decided to try it out. If nothing else, the vaporware tag isn't going to stick anymore on Michael Robertson's latest venture.


The installation was too easy. I didn't get any options and had nothing to configure. No language selection, no time zone, not even the X11. And it didn't take long. From the time I clicked on the hybrid lawyer-speak license-that-mentions-the-GPL-but-doesn't-like-it-much, to the time the GUI fired up, no more than ten minutes passed. A friend who signed up as a "Lindows Insider" and agreed to share his LindowsOS experiences with us if we didn't use his name said his installation went the same as mine: Easy, but very limited.

The Full article with screenies: NewsForge

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