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Micron jilts Hynix at altar

As The Inquirer reported yesterday, the level of spin generated by Korean Dramurai Hynix seemed to suggest something was awry with the "talks" between it and Micron.

Confirmation that Micron is thoroughly fed up with Hynix and indeed has suspended the talks appears to come from Bloomberg, which reports the talks between the would be partners have come to an abrupt end, with the wire saying no further talks are scheduled.

What's the first thing Hynix does? Well, according to the Korea Herald it has employed a Grand Poobah of Spin to tell the press what's wrong and what's right with the debt-ridden Dramurai.

The Great Sultana of Spin chosen is Merit-Burson-Marsteller, but perhaps it should have spent its soft spin PR money much, much earlier.

The move may be a blow for the embattled memory business but as The Inquirer pointed out yesterday, there is just no way Micron CEO Steve Appleton is going to be hustled into a deal that gives him few benefits apart from bolstering the trade unions in the peninsula.

View: The Inquirer - Hynix tries strong arming Micron

News source: The Inquirer - Micron jilts Hynix at altar

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