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Microsoft asks Linux users,

Microsoft has started distributing two online surveys to Linux User Groups and Linux users in general, one asking primarily about home computer use, the other about business use. They apparently don't plan to release the results of their surveys, so we and other people in the open source community are asking you to look at them and post your answers and comments here and on other appropriate sites where, in open source style, everyone can see them. Read on for more information and links, and please help spread the word about these surveys; as far as we know, this is the first time Microsoft has asked Linux users why we use Linux instead of their products, and the more results, the merrier. Author's Note: I'll reveal some of *my* answers to Microsoft's questions in a comment I'll post shortly after this story goes live, just to kick things off.

News source: NewsForge

View: Linux in the Home

View: Linux at Work

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