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Microsoft Looks to Expand Windows at Home

Efforts by Microsoft Corp. and the PC industry to expand into to the living room will get a boost next week as they show off technologies that try to balance Hollywood's piracy fears with the appeal of digital media. In Los Angeles, Microsoft is expected to unveil Windows Media Center Edition 2005 for entertainment computers as well as other software and gadgets that seek to simplify sharing video and music while enforcing copyrights.

Separately but not coincidentally, Intel Corp. will be in New York showing off prototypes for entertainment PCs. The industry is touting such systems as the best example yet of the PC's convergence with couch-centric diversions — a goal that has so far proven elusive despite repeated attempts. This time, the stars may be aligning for success: Hollywood is opening its vaults of songs and movies to digital distribution. The hardware is better and cheaper. And new software makes using an entertainment PC as easy as clicking a remote control.

News source: Yahoo News!

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