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Movie biz to sue P2P film-sharers

The Motion Picture Ass. of America (MPAA) is set to follow its music-industry counterpart, the Recording Industry Ass. of America (RIAA) and begin suing file-sharers. So claims an Associated Press source said to be familiar with movie studios' plans, though the MPAA itself would not comment on the move.

Searches of most P2P networks are as likely to reveal movies as well as music, in many ways it's surprising that the film industry has taken as long as it has to follow the RIAA's example. To date, its legal action in the P2P arena has centred on trying to have the software deemed illegal. But with both District Court and Court of Appeal failures behind it, the MPAA may very well have decided that it needs to tackle movie-sharers directly.

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News source: The Reg

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