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New IE 6 SP1 build released to testers

Thanks betacollector for letting us know that Beta testers have got a new build of IE6 SP 1 to play with, additional notes on this build are as follows.

To install IE 6 SP1 build 2800.1005 you must either uninstall your previous tech betas or use a clean machine to install this release of Internet Explorer 6 SP 1.

  • 128-bit doesn't appear when mousing over padlock on https site

    Mousing over the padlock in the status bar on a https site will not cause the 128-bit message to appear. However 128-bit encryption does still occur although the tool tip is broken.

    I am sorry to say we don't have a copy of this newer build :( but we were sent in a screenie (by someone who wishes to remain Anonymous that for obvious reasons cannot be confirmed as authentic (because we do not have this build) The guy that sent it in has offered to send in the full release notes (we requested he do this) I am interested in this newer download "warning" feature.

    Screenshot: New File (Save/Open) Dialog

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