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New Poll Added

Disappointing results for Microsoft on a possible interim update for Windows XP, it seems most people wouldn't be interested in purchasing a Second Edition of Windows XP (dubbed across the web as 'Windows XP Reloaded') The results are as follows:

I'd buy XP Reloaded

Yes 782

No 1392

Got Mac 146

Got *nix 190

Total votes: 2512

The new poll asks the question if Microsoft have done a good job with all the new additions in SP2 for Windows XP. SP2 has been called the most secure aware update ever for Windows, seemingly taking a hint from Windows Server 2003 this update will make Windows less vulnerable to all types of threats for people connected to the internet. Do you think they did a good job? (based on the public preview) or has Microsoft not listened to its customers and screwed it up. You be the judge!

Download: Download SP2 for XP (Release Candidate via Windows Update)

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