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New Star Wars: 1313 footage featuring Boba Fett surfaces

This is concept art from Star Wars 1313

Today, new footage from Star Wars: 1313 was posted on YouTube by The Vault. Star Wars: 1313 was canceled years ago after being revealed in 2012, but it's become sort of a fascination among gamers. The title was in development at LucasArts and followed the infamous bounty hunter Boba Fett during his younger days. You initially stepped into the shoes of an unnamed bounty hunter, but he would be quickly killed off by Boba Fett, who you would control for the rest of the game.

The video features a young Boba Fett chasing after a suspect. It seems like you have to catch him in order to interrogate him about a criminal conspiracy happening on Level 1313, a subterranean city, within the planet Coruscant. There's plenty of parkour and Gears of War-like cover-based combat.

It's a shame that Star Wars: 1313 was canceled because it looks like it would've been an interesting experience. Luckily, there are a lot of Star Wars games in development at studios like Respawn Entertainment and Quantic Dream.

Recently, Disney+ released The Book of Boba Fett show on the streaming service. Maybe this will reignite passion for the character and spark enough interest to see a game featuring him in the future.

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