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Nvidia GeForce 3 Titanium just a hoax?

The Register has investigated on some suspicious things regarding the recently spread news of GeForce 3 Titanium and here's a snippet from their article:

Superficially, the document appears genuine. The text contains all the appropriate trademark signs and appears to be in Nvidia house style. However, the company logo and the contact details at the bottom seem to be taken from crude screen grabs.

Then we received an email suggesting that Microsoft's own Hardware Quality Labs had inadvertently confirmed the existence of the Titanium family.

Suspicious, we had a look. Indeed, if you follow this link, you'll get a Microsoft HQL report for the GeForce 3 Titanium 200. Then again, if you follow this other link, you'll get a read-out for the GeForce 6.

Yes, we made the second one up, by editing the URL. That suggests to us the GeForce 3 Titanium 200 is a fake too - or at the very least sufficiently open to doubt to call into question this so called proof of the new Nvidia product family.

News source and the rest @ The Register

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