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ObjectDock 1.2

ObjectDock 1.2 has been released. ObjectDock is a freeware program for Microsoft Windows XP/2000 that lets users have a highly customizable dock on their desktop. ObjectDock can respond to mouse-over events with zooming and now in v1.2 with new effects such as gentle rocking and glowing. ObjectDock 1.2 also includes a completely redesigned icon zooming system to provide much smoother looking mouse-over effects.

Stardock also makes ObjectDock Plus which adds the ability to create tabbed docks, supports the Windows system tray (system tray items can appear in a tab or as a dock for instance), taskbar grouping, multiple docks, fly-out-menus and more.

Version 1.2: Change Log

Three new mouse-over effects are now available for non-tabbed docks! Effects include Swing, Gentle Rock, and Afterglow. Let us know which you love the best, as we're experimenting with more for the future. You can configure the duration and magnitude of the effects (Rock and glow are only available in Plus).

  • New smoothness setting is now available for the zooming effect! Combines the ultra-fast mouseover animation with gradual entry/exit animation.

  • Redesigned "Appearance Tweaks" properties tab for zooming docks.

  • Settings "Backup" system in case of crashes rewritten, strengthened.

  • Added options to temporarily disable Docklets (for troubleshooting). Look in the Advanced options (Plus) or in the Dock Contents tab (Free).

  • Fixed jumpy zoom-animation when dragging within a zooming dock.

  • Fixed error message on startup for users with no C:.

  • Fixed issue wherein upon exiting a zooming dock, if the cursor passes over an item's title the dock would take a step in the reverse direction.

  • Fixed issue wherein the dock animation could get stuck in the "zoomed" position after the cursor has left the dock.

  • Fixed conflict between IconPackager 3 and ObjectDock, which prevented dragging of icons, and at times would prevent program from loading. IconPackager 3.0a also corrects this.

  • Adjusting the tab alignment will now take effect immediately.

ObjectDock's home page is Link. ObjectDock is freeware, ObjectDock Plus is $19.95.

Screenshot: [Standard Dock in action]

Screenshot: [Tabbed Dock]

Screenshot: [Fly-Out Menus]

Video: [Mouse-Over Effects in action]

Download: ObjectDock 1.2

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