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Opera 8.10 Preview 2 for Windows

Opera has released a Preview release of their upcoming 8.1 version of it's web browser. This version brings back the built in BitTorrent support (which has been implemented in a very subtle manner), which was removed from the Final release of Opera 8.02. The build number is currently at 7685.

Changes since 8.02

- Changed default browser identification to Opera.

- Enabled BitTorrent support.

- Fixed a crash related to JPEG EXIF data.

Changes in BitTorrent since 8.02 BitTorrent Technology Preview

-Improved transfer performance.

-Fixed an issue that could lead to Opera crashing.

-Added support for the "scrape" protocol to retrieve ongoing statistics about a torrent. See -the transfer tooltip for the additional information.

-Better handling of out of disk space problems.

-Enabled full transfer context menu for BitTorrent downloads.

-Fixed a problem connecting to some trackers.

Download: Opera 8.10 Preview 2 for Windows [3.7 MB]

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