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PDA Prices Fall-ing this Quarter

Geddit?? Oh, well... here's the news:

Dell Computer is planning to unveil two handhelds--one priced at $199--based on Microsoft's Pocket PC 2002 operating system this fall, according to sources.

Hope they get the stocks right to feed the Christmas market.

Both handhelds are expected to be put on display at the Comdex Fall 2002 tradeshow in November, sources said. One handheld, which will incorporate a 300MHz Intel XScale processor, will sell for $199. The other handheld will include a 400MHz Intel XScale processor and sell for $299.

Separately, an internal Dell document found on the Internet described two similar devices, but didn't mention the devices' cost. Dell spokesman Jess Blackburn confirmed that the documents were from the company, yet cautioned that the specifications may not be final. He would not comment on pricing.

Priced at $199 and $299, the new handhelds set a new pricing standard for devices using Microsoft's Pocket PC 2002 operating system. Other device makers have recently shown interest in lowering prices for such handhelds, and for good reason; some popular Pocket PC-based devices can sell for more than $600.

Tell me about it: mine was $750, but that's the cost of being an early adopter I guess.

View: Dell to pitch $199 handheld at Comdex

News source: c|net

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