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Photoshop 7.0 for PC BETA screenshot

Thanks Chris for sending this in.

Extreme Experience has posted a screenshot of a leaked Adobe Photoshop 7 for PC BETA. They also said "So... I got this Beta too, and tried to install it... and first what i seen, that Photoshop 7 starting much faster then version 6.0 and all files include a big size files opening faster then in version 6.0. I got some info that Adobe will release final version in the end of this week... :) So waiting for it." (I'm sure we're all waiting for it :P) -Ed

News source: Extreme Experience - Adobe Photoshop 7.0X054 BETA LEAKED!

Screenshot: Photoshop 7 for PC BETA

Screenshot: Photoshop 7 for PC BETA

Screenshot: Photoshop 7 for PC BETA

Screenshot: Photoshop 7 for PC BETA

Screenshot: Adobe Image Ready 7 for PC BETA

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