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PSX emu installation packs.

Noticed this over at vg-network

For those getting started on the PSX emulation journey... PSX Fanatics now has emulator installation packs with everything one would need to get started (except the BIOS of course)..

  • EPSXE Installation Pack - Comes with EPSXEcutor, PEC game cheat program, latest popular plugins, Memorycard Manager Tool, freak901010's Step by Step configuration guide, plugin documentation, and the emulator itself

  • FPSE Installation Pack - Comes with PEC game cheat program, latest popular plugins, Native ISO / Joypad / Burutter plugins, Dark Watcher's Step by Step configuration guide, plugin documentation, and the emulator itself

  • AdriPSX Installation Pack - Comes with PEC game cheat program, latest popular plugins, Dark Watcher's Step by Step configuration guide, plugin documentation, and the emulator itself.

  • PCSX Linux Installation pack - Includes latest build of PCSX for linux, all Linux plugins, and a very though guide on installing, and running PCSX for Linux.
News source: PSX Fanatics

Download: PSX installation packs

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