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Red Hat integrate desktop option but still cautious

Red Hat, the market leader in Linux server software, have announced that they are to include an option in their next version (8) to allow an install geared towards desktop users – called 'personal desktop'. This will create a configuration ideal for the home user according to their press release. The Interface Changes widely reported this week are also a part of their change in direction, which is typical of the current trend in firms to re-ignite the previously disastrous Linux desktop push.

In the past there have been several distributions which attempted to woo Windows users, and which failed to create success – examples being Corel and Caldera. Red Hat are still cautious of the market and the announcement of Lindows 2.0 has also added fuel to the fire. According to ZDNet Red Hat have said they are expecting the new release to appeal "only to a subset of the mainstream computer user population".

The announcement came a day before Sun were poised to reveal their own desktop venture and with the financial backing of these two companies the desktop Linux push has more potential than previous ventures. The majority of focus within Red Hat will still be on its Advanced Server software, which has proven a key system for mission critical servers – demonstrating the reliability and power of the operating system. The effect the new drive will have on Microsoft's domination of the desktop market will no doubt be negligible but only time will tell the full implications for them.

News source: ZDNet UK

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