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Scientists find a cure for hiccups

In a new study conducted at the Louisiana State University Health Science Center, New Orleans, scientists have discovered a new approach to treating medically intractable hiccups. Dr. Bryan R. Payne, and Dr. Robert Tiel by implanted a Vagus Nerve Stimulator in a Texas man, Shafer and his hiccups stopped and they have not as yet returned. A vagus nerve stimulator uses electrical impulses delivered by a programmable generator implanted in the chest to two tiny leads wrapping around the vagus nerve in the neck to disrupt faulty nerve communication.

The "dose" of stimulation, programmed by the physician, is automatically delivered. The minimally invasive procedure, which is reversible, requires two small incisions, and the generator can be turned off with a handheld magnet. According to Dr. Bryan Payne, who did the surgery,"Mr. Shafer had a stroke that caused severe hiccups of both halves of his diaphragm. We wanted to break the cycle of connection associated ith hiccups in the same way that VNS therapy disrupts the circuit in seizures."

News source: WebIndia123

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