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Sexy and slim digital cameras to hit the market

Soon there will be new digital cameras that have been created with a focus on the style and size of the devices. Nikon and Fuji have released information on these new accessories but - as with many pieces of hardware on the market now - the technology takes second place to the aesthetically pleasing design.

Nikon are to produce the Coolpix 3500, a review of this can be found here. This has a resolution of 3.2 megapixels and a 3X zoom and it allows seamless transfer to a PC. The camera is barely 3 cm thick and the 170g devices will be priced at around the $400 mark.

Fuji is offering a slim silver number, which is only 2.5 cm thick, and it offers a 2.1 megapixel resolution. The camera uses a new form of storage, which can be read about here. The final product will be available around November time and it'll be priced around $350.

A representative of IDC has claimed: "Style is becoming more of a factor as time goes on," he also states "There are certain steps that are going to have to be taken to have that carry-around camera become really widespread... For one, the camera has to be pretty fast, where you turn it on and see the picture pretty quickly. With most of the camera today, there's quite a delay before you see results."

The digital camera is one of the quickest growing consumer items and as they become more of an accessory their popularity has been rocketing – their sales in the US have doubled in the first half of 2002.

News source: ZDNet

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