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Sims Bustin' Out sequel exposed

The Sims returns to consoles... and it's left the 'burbs for the big city. Word!

Developers Maxis have leaked early details of the sequel to The Sims Bustin' Out - and, in contrast to the traditional suburban Sims setting, this time round proceedings will be decidedly street. Due to be released on PS2, Xbox, Gamecube and GBA, the game currently has a working title of Urban Sims.

The series is taking major new steps this time out by shifting geographical location to the big city and honing the focus of the gameplay on building a reputation. This has a significant knock-on effect on various 'living' elements. Work has taken on a whole new perspective as it's one of the main ways that individuals build their reputation and this is reflected in the gameplay.

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News source: gamesradar.com

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