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SQL Server 2000 64-Bit Edition beta begins

Below is a copy of the email I recieved from Anonymous (thanks) :), regarding the SQL Server 2000 64-Bit Edition (Codenamed Liberty).

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Welcome to the first official week with the SQL Server 2000 64-bit Beta Program, code named Liberty! I'm looking forward to working with you over the coming months. Keep an eye on your inbox for up-to-the-minute product news, bug reports and contests announcements. 64-Bit SQL Server is all the buzz here in SQL Server, and it's only going to get better!

If you've take the survey ...

For those of you who have answered the survey on BetaPlace, you should be receiving your CD shortly. International mail seems to be particularly slow as of late, so I apologize for any delay you may have in getting your hands on the latest and greatest code!

If you haven't taken the survey ...

If you have not yet answered the survey, please log onto www.betaplace.com and run through it! This survey is very short, only five or six questions, and it is required to receive your Beta CD! Once we have your survey answers, a CD is put in the mail for you. We were able to arrange to include an evaluation version of Windows LE 1.1 with

future CD shipments. If you haven't taken the survey because you could not get Windows, it's no longer a concern. However, the Windows CDs were not available for our first shipment, so the first batch of customers will not be getting them. If you get a SQL Server CD and you need a Windows CD, send mail to the **Edit** alias and we'll have one sent your way.

View: BetaPlace.com (Registration Required)

View: Microsoft SQL Server - Beta Nominations

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