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Survey: Movie-swapping up; Kazaa down

It wasn't to long ago that Kazaa was the most popular file sharing program. Now the tables have turned in favor of BitTorrent. BitTorrent now accounts for 53% of all P2P network traffic. Even though BitTorrent isn't as user friendly as Kazaa that isn't stopping users from adopting it.

Online movie trading is skyrocketing, but onetime leader Kazaa is tumbling in use, according to a new worldwide survey of file-swapping traffic from network management company CacheLogic.

One of the most detailed examinations to date of actual peer-to-peer traffic, the CacheLogic survey used network-monitoring tools installed inside top Internet service providers (ISPs) to capture data packets and identify whether they had been sent by programs such as Kazaa or Gnutella.

Over six months of surveying, the British company found that Kazaa use had slipped far behind rival BitTorrent, which accounted for 53 percent of actual peer-to-peer network traffic. It found also that overall traffic has not been falling, as some have suggested. By June, an average of 8 million users were online at any given time, sharing a petabyte (10 million gigabytes) of data. "The overall level of file sharing has increased," said Andrew Parker, CacheLogic's founder and chief technology officer. "Users have migrated from Kazaa onto BitTorrent."

News source: C|Net News.com

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