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Switch to €uro? No way. U$ dollar king in IT

Twelve countries in the European Union switch from their own currencies to the Euro (€) tomorrow but the US dollar ($) still rules in the IT business.

A vast amount of excitement is being generated in the European press about the move to the €uro, but many people are ignorant about the omnipresent pricing of IT product in US dollars.

That means that from Island Magee to Hsinchu, memories, CPUs, monitors and a whole heap beside use a real world currency.

And it begs the question that with the €uro close to the same value as the US dollar, why didn't the 12 countries just go the whole hog and adopt the American currency.

Then the rest of the world could adopt the US dollar too, so making life very much easier than it is now if you're a frequent traveller.

Britain is not adopting the €uro tomorrow, because although part of Europe, we are the semi-detached suburban bit. But €ir€ is, meaning that the Northern Irish will be trading in €uros, while a number of British high street chains have said they will accept the funny money too.

That's €uros, not US dollars.

News source: The Inquirer

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