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The Zulu heads to Civilization VI with Rise and Fall, Shaka returns as leader

With only a couple of days left before Civilization VI: Rise and Fall expansion's launch, Firaxis has announced the Zulu as the newest civilization incoming with the expansion, keeping its track record of appearing in every major iteration of the series intact.

Once again, the very war orientated Zulu civilization is led by Shaka, and he arrives with the leader ability, Ambutho. This ability enables players to unlock corps and armies sooner with the Mercenaries and Nationalism civics respectively. These combined units also gain additional combat strength.

The Zulu's national ability is Isibongo, where when a Zulu unit conquers a city, that unit will get upgraded to a corps or an army if the aforementioned civics are already unlocked. Moreover, cities with a combat unit garrisoned within them will gain increased loyalty.

Arriving as a replacement to the Encampment district is the Ikanda, which provides housing as well as the ability to train corps and armies outright, without the need of a Military Academy.

And lastly, the unique unit of the Zulu is the Impi. This unit is cheaper to train, has a lower maintenance cost, a better flanking bonus, and gains experience faster than the Pikemen it replaces.

Carrying the Zulu, all the previously unveiled new civilizations, and a host of new features, Civilization VI: Rise and Fall expansion is scheduled to launch on February 8, and it comes with a price tag of $29.99 on Steam.

Source: Civilization

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