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ThemeXP pulls two themes after Apple "talked to ThemeXP"...

I found this over on the ThemeXP site...

    Apple has contacted ThemeXP and notified us that we are in violation of Apple's copyright on OS X by hosting two themes: "EclipseOSX v4.40" and "MacOSX Aqua 3.2". As much as we enjoy long and expensive lawsuits against mega-corporations, we decided to comply with their notice of infringement and take down both of the two themes we previously hosted.
There is also quite a healthy debate going on over at the ThemeXP forums under the tag "Apple Problems". Looks like Eclipse, the author of the OS X theme was in the midst of getting a v5 of the ground, and that possibly may have been put on hold.

The two themes have been pulled from ThemeXP, but i'm sure that they are available elsewhere... ;)

News source: ThemeXP

View: ThemeXP discussion - Apple Problems"

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