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UC fires back at Microsoft in browser battle

Everyone favorite one-man company has found a supporter with its lawsuit against Microsoft. Eolas and the University of California have joined forces to get money out of the tech giant. As it stands Microsoft appealed an earlier decision handed down by the judge that found Microsoft guilty last year. The U.S. Patent and Trademark office is still re-examining the patent that Eolas and UC want money for. If this lawsuit doesn't end up in Microsoft's favor a lot more people will be at risk for a similar lawsuit.

The University of California hit back at Microsoft in its pitched patent battle over fundamental Web browsing technology.

UC and its one-man software spinoff Eolas on July 16 filed a brief with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the federal circuit, in Washington, D.C., to counter Microsoft's request for an appeal in a patent infringement case that has rattled the Web, from site authors to browser vendors to standards groups. Last year, Microsoft got socked with a $521 million judgment after a jury found it guilty of infringing on Eolas's system for running plug-ins, applications like Macromedia's Flash animation software and Adobe's Acrobat document reader that run inside the Web browser.

News source: C|Net News.com

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