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Unlocker 1.8.2

Have you ever tried to move or delete a file, only to have Windows tell you that it's currently in use? It's becoming increasingly frequent as codecs, DLLs and certain applications don't properly unlock the file when they are finished using them. Usually this would cause you to restart the explorer.exe process or even your computer. But with the Explorer extension called Unlocker you can, as the name suggests, unlock the file for moving or deleting.

Unlocker will provide a solution for the following error messages:

* Cannot delete file: Access is denied
* There has been a sharing violation.
* The source or destination file may be in use.
* The file is in use by another program or user.
* Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use.

Download: Unlocker 1.8.2 | 182KB (Freeware)
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Product WebsiteChangelog:

* Fixed bug: Unlocker Assistant closed or potentially crashed explorer. Thanks to Jean-Philippe Mistrot for his patience while testing.
* Fixed bug: Unlocker Assistant launched Unlocker when trying to overwrite a file or folder.
* Fixed bug: Unlocker missed handles at the root of a mapped hard drive.
* Fixed bug: Unlocker failed to list handles on drives that do not allow to create files.
* Fixed bug: Unlocker leaked Icon GDI objects.
* Fixed language: Japanese and Polish languages had character corruptions. Thanks to Catbaron and Keblo for pointing it out.

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