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Unreal Tournament 2004 Preview

Unreal Tournament 2003 did something new for an FPS game. Instead of releasing repetitive bonus packs and patches, the developers determined that the game's engine and gameplay were versatile enough to handle several renditions, so they decided to follow the sports game trend of adding the year to the end of the game's title. So, in theory, if UT2003 sold well, we'd be seeing another one just a year down the road.

Well guess what? UT2003 sold well and now Unreal Tournament 2004 is on the way. The developers of UT2004 don't want to split hairs with this game. It is still using the same engine and the majority of gameplay elements will be very familiar to players of the 2003 version. If you hated the first game, you'll probably hate this. Sorry, but that's how it is. That said, if you remotely enjoyed UT2003, Unreal Tournament 2004 is better in every single way. The new game adds everything from the already released bonus packs, as well as a ton of new maps, game modes, weapons, and vehicles. Did I say vehicles? You bet I did.

The biggest addition in UT2004 is a game mode called Onslaught. This team-based mode pits two sides against each other on a massive, war-torn landscape. The goal is decidedly similar to Battlefield 1942, wherein players must reach points located around each map, hold them for set amounts of time, and take control of them, thereby gaining the ability to spawn there. From then, the battle is about offense and defense, taking points and defending your own.

News source: UGO

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