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USB Christmas Lights

Mark writes: OK, it's coming up to Christmas nice and quickly, and it's a slow day in work, so I spotted this over on xBetas, which pointed me in the direction of Monster-Hardware... Greg Bassmstr, using a simple set of Battery powered Christmas Lights, USB cable, volt meter and optional heatsink tubing, explains how to "DIY" a set of christmas lights so that they can be powered by an unused USB port on your computer or laptop!

So, if your really handy with this sort of stuff, and with the usual disclaimer, Greg shows you in simple steps how to achieve this "lighted and festive" treat for your trusty computer.

Excerpt from the review: To get an idea of what made me want to do this, you simply have to know that I have this fascination with making ordinary objects run under the power of the pc. I was walking around a local dollar store with my fiancé, she loves it when I say that, when I saw this package of Christmas lights that ran off of battery power. A light bulb went off in my head, or well at least a Christmas light. Man, that was corny. These things run off of 2 C batteries. I was thinking I could give it a try and if it didn't work, I only spent a dollar on them anyway right.

Read the rest of the tutorial at the link below.

View: USB Christmas Lights @ Monster-Hardware

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