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UT2004 & Far Cry Movies

A new movie trailer for Unreal Tournament 2004 is now available, showing off a few minutes of the vehicular action found in the upcoming Unreal Tournament game. The 55 MB Windows Media Player version is mirrored on 3D Gamers, Filerush, FileShack (registration required), Gamer's Hell, IGN, and Worthplaying.

There are also a couple of smaller versions that are posted on Tiscali Games. There's also a new movie showing off Far Cry, Crytek's upcoming first-person shooter. The three-and-a-half minute, 30 MB clip originated on the cover disk of GameStar magazine, and was posted online by Far Cry Headquarters. Mirrors can be found on FileFront,Filerush,Gamer's Hell,Tiscali Games,and Worthplaying

News source: Blue's News

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