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Why Microsoft should ditch DRM

Continuing our series where Neowin tells Microsoft what they should (or should not be doing!), here is another great piece. Written by Cory Doctorow, a chap at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the lecture was given recently to Microsoft emlpoyees, and makes a very good read (with many good points) on why Microsoft should stop their 'dally' into Digital Rights Management. Cory bases his argument around these points :

1. That DRM systems don't work

2. That DRM systems are bad for society

3. That DRM systems are bad for business

4. That DRM systems are bad for artists

5. That DRM is a bad business-move for Microsoft

Asides from being a good eye opener, it is quite a funny lecture, with numerous quips thrown in to keep readers entertained. Readers who are interested in this area might also like a paper Entitled 'Darknet and the future of Content Distribution', written by Microsoft (link below).

View: Article | EFF

View: The Darknet and the Future of Content Distribution

News source: Slashdot

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