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World of Warcraft launches

Blizzard's extensive beta testing pays off as its fantasy MMORPG goes online relatively smoothly.

Today saw another one of the year's most anticipated games launch. Developer-publisher Blizzard has opened up the gates to World of Warcraft's virtual world to players in North America, Australia, and New Zealand. The massively multiplayer online role-playing game will also launch in Korea and Europe, but at a later date.

Blizzard's announcement comes after World of Warcraft's nearly eight-month beta test--during which time GameSpot editors wandered its imaginary realm in our Exploring the World of Warcraft feature. Apparently the extended beta paid off, as the game has seen a relatively smooth start along the lines of EverQuest 2 and City of Heroes. Given that World of Warcraft is Blizzard's first MMORPG, many were expecting a problem-plagued launch a la Anarchy Online or Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided.

News source: GameSpot

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