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Zoom (DVD) Player v2.10

Thanks Anoinymous for this email, Zoom Player is a Media Player replacement, it supersedes media player in all it's functions and provides several important functions that media player lacks.

Zoom Player provides special zooming functions to improve TV-Output quality by eliminating overscan.

  • Revamped the installer configuration. It now gives you more options and creates more shortcuts to important files.

  • Zoom Player should now work on older operating systems, even on NT4. However, some of it's functionality may suffer if you use older versions of DirectX which lack the interfaces required by some of the newer functions.

  • Added a system to manually insert specified filters into the Filter Graph. This should allow for all sort of interesting effects. By default the "zplayer.filters" filter file is loaded.

View: Whatsnew for Zoneplayer 2.10

Download: Zoom Player v2.10 (379kb) FREEWARE

View: Inimatrix Website

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