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Nox App Player

Nox App Player

Nox App Player is a free Android emulator dedicated to bring the best experience to users who want to play Android games and apps on PC. Based on Android 4.4.2 & 5.1.1 and compatible with X86/AMD, it gained a great advantage on performance, stability and compatibility compared with similar programs like BlueStacks, YouWave or Andy the Android Emulator.

Keyboard typing, camera and microphone integration are basic functions of Nox App Player. What makes using Nox App Player special is that you can connect a gamepad and controller in a game. When it comes to ARPG (Action Role Play Game), the keyboard mapping function comes even handier since it makes it possible to use the traditional WASD key to control your character in the game, and you can set other keys to release skills or take shots. This is a very practical function since mobile games are developing towards great complexity.

Another noteworthy aspect is the multiplayer mode - an innovative feature which makes it possible for users to run several Nox App Player windows at the same time. Each window can run a different app/game. So instead of pushing other apps to the background, user can switch between them with ease on the same computer screen. This is like having several phones for real-time multi-tasking.

Nox App Player changelog:

  • Added a new Android 7.1.2 version in NoxPlayer’s Multi-Drive (currently the test phase, application compatibility will be continuously optimized)

  • Optimized Macro recorder, added a slide, long press, click on configured button, input text and other functions

  • Optimized some issues of angle view in the shooting game

  • Fixed a series of known issues, optimized the product experience

  • Fixed an issue that could not be installed on WinXP

  • In Android system 7.1.2 fixed the problem of playing video in Instagram

Download: Nox App Player | 307.0 MB (Freeware)
Download: Nox App Player for Mac | 366.0 MB
View: Nox App Player Home Page

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