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Tribler 5.5.20

Tribler is a free BitTorrent client that might be virtually shutdown-proof. The user interface of Tribler is very basic and focused on ease of use, instead of including features. Tribler features include: video-only searching, experimental video streaming, and an integrated video player. Tribler is a social application. The name Tribler stems from the word Tribe, referring to the usage of social networks in this P2P client. This means you can make friends with other users and you can show to everyone what you like and dislike. And by sharing your content you also help other Tribler users to enjoy their favorite content.

Developed by a team of researchers at Delft University of Technology, the main goal is to come up with a robust implementation of BitTorrent that doesn’t rely on central servers. Instead, Tribler is designed to keep BitTorrent alive, even when all torrent search engines, indexes and trackers are pulled offline.

Tribler 5.5.20 includes some minor updates:

  • FIXED: Include subdirectories while creating a torrent
  • FIXED: UDP port would not change
  • Improved: IO-error logging, hopefully allowing us to debug random glitches
  • Changed: protocol behavior in channels is slightly modified in order to prevent some rare bugs to occur.

Tribler is open source, and is available for Mac, Windows, and Linux.

Download: Tribler 5.5.20 | 40.6 MB (Open Source)
View: Tribler Homepage | Support

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