Google testing video chats with doctors for symptom searches

Google is testing a new feature in search results for medical symptoms which would let users connect to a real doctor through video chat.

Reddit user, jasonahoule, stumbled upon this feature, which is in a limited trial currently, after searching for "knee pain." The snippet provided along with the search result recommended him to start a video chat with a doctor, as it detected that the search term was related to an ailment. Google will also provide health care suggestions for getting appropriate treatment for the same in case the user does not want to interact with the doctor.

According to the image, Google will bear the costs for the consultation during the trial, but it will likely be a paid feature once it is ready for rolling out widely. Engadget has managed to get a confirmation from Google that it is indeed testing the feature, but no other details have been provided.

Google already has a similar service called Helpouts which connects users to many more specialists other than doctors for getting help. However, this will be integrated directly into search, making it more accessible and easier to get help.

Source: Reddit via Engadget | Image via Reddit/Imgur

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