Microsoft opens Kid's Corner programming education website

Programmers are essential in this day and age. We all rely on technology, and having people who know how to make machines do what they do is a vital part of our daily activities; Microsoft, being a software company, knows this, and has opened a Kid"s Corner education website.

In an extension to the Beginner Developer Learning Center, the Kid"s Corner aims at teaching the very basics, helping construct a foundation of knowledge to build on. Written on the main page of the section is, "Are you a cool kid who wants to impress your friends and family with your mad skillz? Check out the Kid"s Corner for lots of fun, easy to understand lessons on programming!" Mad skillz are an ever valuable asset to have, and hopefully it will draw the interest of the cool kids in question.

Microsoft has two main videos listed on the front page of the Kid"s Corner, the first being an introduction to the Internet, and the second jumps straight to objects & object-oriented programming. Perhaps a big leap, but we trust that Microsoft will ease into the rough stuff. It aims to build experience in languages such as Visual Basic and Visual C#, whilst of course introducing kids to Visual Studio; some articles are even based on teaching web development languages, beginning with HTML. If you want to have a look at what the company has to offer children in terms of development, feel free to peruse the website.

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