Prison Architect developers announce new game, 'Scanner Sombre' comes out on April 26

A prototype first seen during a Prison Architect update video from last year will soon launch as a full game, with Introversion Software heading its development. However, fans who are expecting another simulation game will be disappointed, as the developer"s new title takes a significant departure from their previous offering.

Titled Scanner Sombre, the first-person game has the player exploring an underground cave system devoid of any light, while only equipped with a Light Detection and Ranging scanner (LIDAR) to "illuminate" their surroundings. This is the same technology self-driving cars use to detect what"s in their vicinity.

The LIDAR scanner has a unique method of accomplishing this illuminating process, where it projects millions of tiny points of light to paint specified regions and create a 3D impression for the player. The result is a unique perspective on the cave system and its mysterious contents.

Although the visual system is tricky to describe in words, the launch trailer seen above will paint a much better picture of it, with Introversion Software"s Creative Director, Chris Delay, saying:

Scanner Sombre is a total departure for us as a studio in terms of visual style and tone; it"s almost a subversive game when you think about what people might expect from Introversion so we"re really looking forward to hearing people"s reactions when they can play it.

For those who are interested, Scanner Sombre will be available on April 26 for $11.99, purchasable via Steam, GOG, and the Humble Store. However, note that due to a 20% launch discount, the game"s price is down to $9.59 for the time being.

Source: Gamasutra

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