10 Disturbing Facts About The Deep Web

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This video just says to me 'if you want the good stuff, download TOR and hit the deep web'

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These numbers are ridiculously overblown. Sure there's a big dark web, but it's not even half as big as the regular web, it's a mer fraction. You could include private encrypted web sites and virtual networks used by companies that how terabytes upon terabytes of secret company information, designs, schematics and so on as part of the dark/deep web, but it'd hardly be correct and still the numbers would be far less astronomical and the non hidden web bigger.

I also question the surface web only having 19 terabytes of information, flickr alone has more surface data than that I'm sure.

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Amazing what people will believe when its made into a video.

Guess its like the age old "Dont believe what you read in the papers, just because it`s in the papers".

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7500 terabytes verse 19 PETAbytes would seem more serious an answer.


Also, the 96% of the web being beyond Google/Bings reach is a no ###### statement as well. Everything that requires a password to access is beyond search engine reach..


In all, kind of a derpy video. No offence intended @ Hum.

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These numbers are ridiculously overblown. Sure there's a big dark web, but it's not even half as big as the regular web, it's a mer fraction. You could include private encrypted web sites and virtual networks used by companies that how terabytes upon terabytes of secret company information, designs, schematics and so on as part of the dark/deep web, but it'd hardly be correct and still the numbers would be far less astronomical and the non hidden web bigger.

I also question the surface web only having 19 terabytes of information, flickr alone has more surface data than that I'm sure.

I agree the video is hyperbole and full of claims without sufficient facts...


I will disagree with you that the "dark web" is smaller than the regular web... Everything outside of being publicly accessible should be included in the count of the dark web since it can't be viewed by anyone other than authorized individuals. That would count everything from password protected sites hosting content to illegal sites hoping to evade police. The public facing web is the smaller portion, but I do agree with what I think was your intended point; that the "illegal web" is a mere fraction of the web public or otherwise.

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I agree the video is hyperbole and full of claims without sufficient facts...


I will disagree with you that the "dark web" is smaller than the regular web... Everything outside of being publicly accessible should be included in the count of the dark web since it can't be viewed by anyone other than authorized individuals. That would count everything from password protected sites hosting content to illegal sites hoping to evade police. The public facing web is the smaller portion, but I do agree with what I think was your intended point; that the "illegal web" is a mere fraction of the web public or otherwise.


Depends do you count company VPN's as part of the dark web as well. techncially they're not even part of the web. they're part of the internet... sort of, but not the web. arguably they're not even part of the internet, the internet is merely an access port to get to them. 


Even then. The open web is so huge if you cound everyting that's there. every driver, the varous version of every driver alone amounts to petabytes of information. then you have image and video sharing sites like youtube and flickr. 


sure google drive, one drive and such counter some of these numbers, I don't think mail servers should be counted as again, they're not really "web", open or dark. 

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I'd have thought Youtube was bigger than that entire figure quoted for the "surface web"


Youtube, HP.com, Microsoft.com, Flickr.com, and many many other major websites are. 

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That video is dated - Silk Road has been down for months.

There are now remnants popping up that are nothing more than cached versions of Silk Road (from what little I have seen)

I do not like the slowness of TOR security -  I know its there for my own protection, and the protection of the Deep Web - but I want my cake and eat it really fast too.

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Every time I see tor, on a computer I'm fixing for someone, I assume they are either druggies, assassins or a pedo. That may be an unfair assumption, but I'm going to make it anyways.

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DAH GOVNMNENT CAN'T SHUT DOWN FREEDOMH. DEEP WEB IS SAVIOR- An uninformed conspiracy theorist who knows nothing about how messed up the Deep Web can be.

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Goodie the latest CSI episode, among all it's stupid Cyber fever fantasies perpetuatedthis exact myth... gah. 


also seemed liek they where startign a CSI cyer spinoff based on this stupid cyber and computer tech bs they showed in the episode...

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Many of those are private intranets for businesses, schools, and governments.

Like for NASA and their secret UFO photos. :ninja:

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