Amazon failure takes down sites across Internet

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NEW YORK ? Scores of websites and Internet services like Foursquare and Reddit crashed or had limited availability Thursday because of problems at a data center run by

The problems revealed widespread reliance on Amazon Web Services, which rents out computers and data storage on a self-service basis over the Internet.

AWS is generally considered reliable because it uses vast numbers of computers, spread out in different data centers, making Thursday's failure unusual.

Amazon said the trouble started early in the morning at a data center in Northern Virginia, but provide no details.

The problems were ongoing Thursday afternoon.

Foursquare, which lets people tell others where they are with the help of cellphone GPS chips, was still experiencing technical issues.

HootSuite, which provides a "dashboard" for social media like Twitter feeds, was down completely, as was questions-and-answers site Quora.

Reddit, a "social news" site owned by Conde Nast Digital, was in "emergency read-only mode." Inc. is the leading provider of this type of "utility" computing, where customers pay only for the computing power and storage they need. Anyone with a credit card can begin using it. Competitors include Rackspace Hosting Inc. and Microsoft Corp.'s Azure platform.


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I am glad this happened. Shows everyone that these "cloud" services are not fail proof. Why they have to call them "cloud" is I guess a Microsoft thing. It's just Internet based services, nothing new. Everything is prone to failure.

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I interviewed at amazon and they were oh so proud of their hodge-podge system that they laughed at you for speaking of any other experiences with enterprise storage/san/nas or other "cloud" concepts.. and now, look who is laughing. ha ha ha :p

BTW, i never realized how big of a hell hole working there was until i did the interview process.. I should have read glassdoor first and not wasted my time.

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I interviewed at amazon and they were oh so proud of their hodge-podge system that they laughed at you for speaking of any other experiences with enterprise storage/san/nas or other "cloud" concepts.. and now, look who is laughing. ha ha ha :p

Bit harsh there? I believe Amazon's cloud services are like the third most used (could be wrong so don't quote me on that) and if you check their status page:

It's pretty much all green all over the world (apart from today and with N.Virginia only). Failures happen :/

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Failures happen :/

Which is why being reliant on other companies and placing all your eggs in the cloud, is just gonna end up in a messy omelette.

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Yes it does.

You sure about that. I've heard PSN was offline to prevent an intrusion:

An external intrusion on our system has affected our PlayStation Network and Qriocity services. In order to conduct a thorough investigation and to verify the smooth and secure operation of our network services going forward, we turned off PlayStation Network & Qriocity services on the evening of Wednesday, April 20th.

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