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EA Germany to Sue BPjM

MCV Germany is reporting that Electronic Arts Germany has filed in a lawsuit against the German Bundesprüfungsstelle für jugendgefährdende Medien (BPjM). This is a protest against the panel's decision to almost instantly put EA's RTS title C&C: Generals on the infamous 'index' soon after its release in late February. Dr. Jens Uwe Intat of EA Germany stated: "We're not simply going to accept the questionable decision of the BPjM. I think we were treated in an unfair way because of being the subsidiary of a US-based company", assuming political reasons behind the case. He complained that the BPjM didn't listen or respond or to the arguments stated by the publisher. "Most members of the panel aren't familiar with Generals or the RTS genre at all."

It's forbidden to publicly advertise indexed games. This also includes reviews in magazines as well as placing them in store shelves. People older than 18 years can purchase said games legally, however, as a result of the circumstances most of the bigger chains usually remove them from their stocks. Dr. Intat said though that the monetary damage done through the BPjM decision isn't the main reason for the lawsuit.

News source: Evil Avatar

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