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Google introduces interoperability between Zoom and Google Meet for meetings

Interoperability between Zoom and Google Meet hardware

The bi-directional interoperability between online platforms Zoom and Google Meet, which Google announced in October last year is beginning to roll out.

With the feature, users will be able to join meetings on Zoom via their Google Meet hardware devices and join Google Meet meetings through Zoom Rooms. However, it is key to note that certain features like polls, wired present, and dual screen support would be unavailable for users joining Zoom via Meet hardware devices and vice versa.

Nevertheless, the interoperability comes without additional charges for users and is a built-in feature. Moreover, users can access the join via meeting code and scheduled join capabilities alongside “the ability to configure no-knock joining (lobby bypass) in either direction.” The interoperability is like that of Google Meet and Cisco Webex and Pexip for Google Meet. Google describes it by stating:

"Similar built-in interoperability is already available between Google Meet and Cisco Webex on each platform’s respective devices. And Pexip continues to enable joining Meet meetings from the widest range of third-party video conferencing hardware, including older devices that may not support built-in interoperability."

To access the Zoom interop on Google Meet capability, Admins will find the option, by default, on their Google Meet hardware. They can choose to disable this via the Workspace Admin Console at the OU level by selecting Devices > Google Meet hardware > Settings > Device Settings > Built-in interoperability. Admins have the option to configure this feature before the option begins rolling out, hence, they can toggle the feature off by January 25th.

In the case of End-Users, Admins must enable the interop feature after which they can join meetings by selecting the “Join or start a meeting” option from the dropdown on touch controllers or join a scheduled meeting “by adding a room to an event with Zoom meeting details.” The Meet interop on Zoom Room option will be disabled by default and can be enabled via Zoom Admin. End users will only be able to join the meeting from their Zoom Room controller by typing in the Google Meet meeting code once the Admin enables the feature.

The detailed steps for Zoom interoperability and Meet interoperability are given below:

Zoom interop on Google Meet hardware

  • Admins:
    • Zoom interop on Google Meet hardware will be available on devices by default and can be disabled in the Workspace Admin console at the OU level at Devices > Google Meet hardware > Settings > Device Settings > Built-in interoperability.
    • Note: This admin setting can be configured before the feature begins rolling out, therefore you will be able to toggle this off before January 25, 2023.
    • To configure no-knock join for Zoom Meetings from Meet hardware, generate a token in the Zoom Admin at Account Management > Account Settings > Meeting > Allow my organization's 3rd party conference room systems to join my Zoom meetings as an authorized user and paste it in the Google Workspace Admin at Devices > Google Meet hardware > Settings > Service settings > Built-in interoperability direct access.
  • End users:
    • When enabled by your admin, you can join a Zoom meeting from a Google Meet hardware device by:
      • Joining an ad-hoc meeting by tapping "Join or start a meeting" on your touch controller and selecting Zoom from the dropdown options.
      • Joining a scheduled meeting by adding a room to an event with Zoom meeting details.
      • Note: Calendar events that originate outside of Google Calendar must be duplicated and populated with room details manually, or have their Zoom join details copy and pasted into the description field of a new Calendar event.

Meet interop on Zoom Rooms

  • Admins
    • Meet interop on Zoom Rooms will be off by default and can be enabled from the Zoom Admin at Room Management > Zoom Rooms > Meeting > Support Google Meet web client meeting on Zoom Rooms. For more information, visit the Zoom Support page.
    • To configure no-knock join for Meet meetings from Zoom Rooms, generate a token in the Workspace Admin console at Apps > Google Workspace > Settings for Google Meet > Interoperability tokens and paste it in the Zoom Admin in the Google Meet Interop Token field located at Room Management > Zoom Rooms > Support Google Meet web client meeting on Zoom Rooms.
  • End users: When enabled by your admin, you can join a Meet meeting from a Zoom Room by:
    • Joining an ad-hoc meeting from your Zoom Room Controller by entering a Google Meet meeting code
    • Joining a scheduled meeting by adding a room to an event with Google Meet details

The feature will roll out in the coming weeks where Meet interop on Zoom Rooms will be available on January 26th. Admins will be able to access Zoom interop settings beginning January 19, while end users will experience gradual availability starting January 26.

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