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Neowin's Essential staff & member submitted guides (Roundup)

Neowin Essential staff & member submitted guides Forum is essential reading if you need to find out how to improve your relationship with your computer [I use a big hammer... -Ed]. The member/staff submitted articles and guides cover most areas and have been deemed both accurate and helpful for our community, there are a wide range of topics covering Hardware, Windows OS', OSX and Applications.

This and future roundup's of the guides forum follow the same format as Reviews by Members for Members roundup - the best and most helpful guides get published on the front-page. Anyone is welcome to write a review, along as you are a registered on the forum. There are many ways to find help here at Neowin, Read More for links to the best and most helpful places.

First up is Installing OS X (10.2/10.3) on a PC by Emon. This excellent step-by-step makes installing OSX on regular Windows hardware, rather than the iMac. OSX has "The world's most elegant user interface" as Apple proclaims, now you could dual boot with XP to judge for yourself.

Next we go back to WindowsXP with [deXter]'s guide - Automatic Installation of windows updates, the batch file method . If you regularly download the latest windows updates and security patches manually and don't fancy or need AutopatcherXP, or just prefer to do it yourself you can save time, customize, automate and install them all at once by creating a simple batch file.

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News source: In-House

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