35 Years After Apollo, NASA Seeks Return to Moon

What better way to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the first lunar landing than to landing on the moon again? This all depends on the new budget NASA is hoping to get. After the Columbia disaster NASA has been having money problems. Though I"m sure NASA will get more funding in the future I sure hope they get it soon. After all the technology that"s developed for space often comes back to the public in one form or another (Ex: pace maker).

On the 35th anniversary of the first lunar landing, NASA struggled with money problems as it aimed to return to human space flight after the Columbia disaster and ultimately put people back on the moon. Even as astronaut Neil Armstrong and his Apollo 11 crew members, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, gathered in Washington on Tuesday for a gala celebration of their July 20, 1969, landing on the lunar surface, NASA"s proposed 2005 budget took a beating on Capitol Hill.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration would get $229 million less than it did in 2004 and $1.1 billion less than President Bush requested, if a spending bill approved by a U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee becomes law. The panel kept the requested $4.3 billion for the space shuttle program and $691 million for robotic Mars programs that Bush asked for. But it cut Bush"s request for a human mission to Mars. It approved $372 million for the project, $538 million below Bush"s request of $910 million.

News source: Reuters

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