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Microsoft is developing Big Brother-style software capable of remotely monitoring a worker's productivity, physical wellbeing and competence. The Times has seen a patent application filed by the company for a computer system that links...

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The One Laptop Per Child Project is asking software coders to develop free, open-source educational computer games for the XO laptop, continuing its push toward a September launch date. OLPC offered a laptop prize for...

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China seeks to 'limit game hours'

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A recent report from the China National Children's Centre said that 13% of under-18s who used the web were addicted to online gaming. The Chinese government has clamped down on the amount of time youngsters...

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The German and Dutch governments have taken the lead on crafting legislation that would make it illegal to provide false information to ISPs and require phone companies to save detailed records on customer usage. The...

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Mozilla Corp., maker of the popular open source Firefox browser, launched the second phase of its ad-making contest today, which calls for professional and amateur filmmakers to develop a 30 second, broadcast quality commercial for...

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The European Union called on Europe's music industry Wednesday to create EU-wide copyright licenses for online music, saying this would boost demand for legal downloads. "These licenses will make it easier for...

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With little sign that Apple Computer's digital music dominance is on the wane, Microsoft's top Xbox executive is helping to look at ways to refocus the software company's music strategy. It's not...

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Sony Pictures Digital Entertainment is trying to develop and own the next iTunes--but for films. "We want to set business models, pricing models, distribution models like (Apple Computer CEO Steve Jobs) did...

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Createmotions™ is a high quality family of instant messaging software. Based on innovative ideas and sporting an intuitive GUI, it is suited for both home and business applications. Createmotions™ is inviting companies, IT groups, academic...

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Nintendo seems to be interested in getting Hudson Soft's Momotarou Dentetsu series of board game videogames onto its new portable game system, the Nintendo DS. Series' producer Akira Sakuma reveals in an Online journal entry...

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Microsoft Corp. is in talks with five or six potential buyers for its online magazine Slate, an executive said Friday. Scott Moore, general manager of MSN Network Experience, which handles content for Microsoft's...

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After reviewing Unix source code provided by IBM Corp., The SCO Group Inc. appears to be experiencing difficulties in identifying the specific lines of code that it alleges IBM improperly contributed to the Linux operating...

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Real Networks wants to make its music files playable on Microsoft's Windows Media Player format. The company, which is suing Vole for a billion dollars, said it needed the Redmond Giant's help to flog its...

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A French association representing recorded music rights holders threatened Wednesday to take Apple Computer Inc. to court in a dispute over lost music royalties. The argument centers on a fee levied in France on sales...

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