Fujitsu Makes Advancement in Hard Drive Density

Using patterned media technology, Fujitsu of America was able to achieve a one-dimensional array nanohole pattern with a 25 nanometer pitch. If that"s equivalent to gibberish for you, here"s what this means: future one terabit per square inch recording on HDDs, five times greater than the current drive technology. If this were possible today, we would have 3.5"; drives capable of storing 5TB or 2.5"; notebook drives holding 1.5TB.

Fujitsu"s continuing research in patterned media has enabled the development of high capacity hard disk drives, especially in smaller form factors. The company has also revealed a new development involving perpendicular magnetic recording read/write operation on random patterned media. With this technology, the soft underlayer is used as the PMR media, another important milestone.

News source: DailyTech

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