Microsoft helps you go pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October, in the United States, is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. During the month of October, the color pink is shown to support those who are fighting to find a cure for this disease. NFL players show their support by adding a little pink to their uniform, as you may have seen this past weekend. Other venues and companies may support the cause by having a "Pink Day" where supporters can dress in pink. Microsoft has decided to help out this year by offering a pink mouse for breast cancer awareness.

On the Microsoft Hardware Blog, they post about a mouse that they have created which, when purchased, $4 of the cost will go towards the Komen for the Cure charity. Statistics say that every 23 seconds someone is diagnosed with breast cancer, and most of us know someone who has had it. Mircosoft"s pink mouse encourages people to support and donate. And as for the men, don"t feel left out as breast cancer can affect everyone.

The mouse Microsoft has given a makeover to is the Wireless Mobile Mouse 4000, which costs just $39.95, with four of those dollars going to the fund. Microsoft is also set on making a great impact with this by stating these rules for their donations:

From September 1, 2010 to September 11, 2011, Microsoft shall donate to Susan G. Komen for the CureĀ® $4 per product sold with a guaranteed minimum donation of $200,000.

It is for a good cause, and if you need a mobile mouse this one will be perfect for you. You can pick them up at Microsoft"s Online Store today.

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