Sakshat, the $20 laptop from India

Presumably said with a straight face, India unveiled its Sakshat $20 laptop yesterday. What"s hard to come by is how the actual laptop will be built as are no known pictures of the laptop published.

The Sakshat laptop, which translates to "before your eyes", will boast 2GB of storage, WiFi, Ethernet and use only 2 watts of power. That is all that is known for now about the cheap laptop but it has many wondering if it is anything more than vaporware.

The idea of a $20 laptop is going to be quite the task and is slated for a release this summer. Many are questioning how this can be done as you can"t even acquire an LCD screen for less than $20.00 in India. While it will be a great surprise for this laptop to come in on budget, the populous remains skeptical.

The goal of the laptop is to help spread education as well as promote students to continue on to college. Only 11% of students in India continue on to higher education. The government will not subsidize the laptop either but will pay for 25% of broadband costs to universities.

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