Sony unveils the future of screens, rollable OLED displays

Sony announced on Wednesday that it has successfully developed a super-flexible 4.1" OTFT full colour OLED display which can be wrapped around a thin cylinder.

Spotted by the team at Engadget, the display is capable of reproducing moving images while being repeatly rolled-up. Sony has only announced the development of the technology but no associated products. The firm hopes it will assist with thin, light-weight, durable and mobile devices with enhanced form-factor.

The technology is a glimpse into the future of how devices and form factors may be influenced by more flexible, durable and light-weight technology. Devices such as tablet computers, mobile phones and laptops could all benefit from rollable or bendable screens. Microsoft courier anyone?

Sony says it will unveil the results of this development on May 27 at the 2010 Society for Information Display conference in Seattle, Washington.

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