The Samsung Experience 9.0 Emoji update fixes some confusing differences

We"ve all been there when you send an emoji that expresses a specific emotion to someone using a different device than your own, and end up confusing them - or sometimes offending - due to the differences in implementations. It can even cause global outrage, as seen with the recent backlash against Google due to its hamburger emoji. So in that spirit, Samsung has officially updated its collection - to bring it in line with the Emoji 5.0 standard.

The Samsung Experience 9.0 update which is included with Android 8.0 Oreo and is currently in the process of rolling out to Samsung Galaxy S8, and S8+ devices across the world, has received several changes, including the removal of the traditional angled or tilted faces. Facial expressions have also been tweaked to make sure that users choose the appropriate emoji, which should match with those on other non-Samsung devices. Others, including some animals, the nail polish hand, the alien, and the "dancing woman" were amended to ditch the sneakers. It also changed the cookie emoji, to an actual cookie instead of a cracker.

However, recent additions made by the Unicode Consortium in the Emoji 11.0 update have not made its way to Samsung devices. This includes people with red hair, superheroes with varying skin tones, and severed limbs, among other things. The South Korean technology giant will, however, include new emoji such as the hijab-wearing person, the star-struck face, exploding head, and an emoji expressing slurs.

Samsung is rolling out this update to all Samsung Galaxy S8, and S8+ devices worldwide. Due to carrier restrictions, rollout could be delayed in some instances. The update includes the latest Android 8.0 Oreo update, which introduces a slew of improvements to the underlying operating system, including Android Instant Apps.

Source and image: Emojipedia

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