What facial wash do you use?

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I use Biactol and Sebamed, found biactol to be the most effective. Theres some Clean and Clear facial wash around as well but I dont like that as much.

Which one did you find most effective against pimples?

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I have quite a few pimples/acne but it honestly doesn't bother me because it's nothing un-natural/normal and heaps of other people have pimples/acne too. I don't like anything that is cosmetic or related to cosmetics

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Well, I live in a tropical country so it is a bit different. Doesnt happen to 12 year olds (Quite immature there) only, Im 16 coming to 17 and this problems been a PITA. That Proactive one was a bit over the top dont you think? :blink:

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Mostly clearisil, but I bought some Nivea stuff today to see how that works. I've got sensitive babysoft skin, so it's always a battle.

I'm 19 btw, not 12. We all can't sustain the wonderful complection that you suggest that you have.

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my fingers are sensative to the constant clicking and typing on the keyboard.

my arms are also extremely cancerous due to the overexposure to the flourestent light from monitor. my face is perfect though.

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soap, cos im not a girl


If soap doesn't fix your problem, you're doing something wrong.

By the way... don't fight pimples, it's a battle you can't win. You just cover them up. Personally, I have a few here and there, but I don't worry about them as I'm not subconcious about my looks like some people. Oh well, too each their own?

You could always just grow a beard and cover it all up. :santa:

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Dove, then moisturizer, then BenzaClin (twice a day.)

That's the routine for the next few weeks, until the remaining acne goes away, or until I have to get Accutane again.

Advice: stay away from Accutane.

im not 12 yrs old i dont get pimples. grow up :sigh:

Some get acne well beyond their teenage years.


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