Pro Evolution Soccer 6 Petition

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Konami have already logged around 600 complaints and their London office said if they receive 1000 complaints, it is very possible that they would release an update, so please do these simple steps to save PES6

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No edit mode, so players or teams can not be created, online mode is shocking also

Edited by robpears
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To: Konami and Microsoft

After purchasing Pro Evolution Soccer 6 on the Xbox 360, (as far as I am concerned the must have game of 2006) I was very saddened to find a half finished game the made a complete mess of the transition to the next generation platform. Some of the problems I found were,

1. Slowdown at corners, throw ins, goal kicks, free kicks and any other time the whistle blew.

2. Slowdown when to many players on screen at once

3. Master league is exactly the same as the previous version but with a different layout.

4. Online play is exactly the same as the previous version butwith a different layout

5. German league removed

6. Less team to choose from than what is included in the last generation PS2 version

7. Less stadiums to choose from than what is included in the last generation PS2 version

8. Constant unable to connect when trying to join an online game.

9. Dodgy AI that lets your own team mates run pass the ball when it is in free play.

10. inferior shooting mechanics that seem to randomly decide wether the shot is on target or not

I believe Konami should release a patch that fixes the problems for the slowdown and online issues and should also release a patch adding the missing teams and stadiums that are in the inferior last generation PS2.


i guess thats what its all about

+ i also signed it :)

Edited by sharpy2k4
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I'll sign it, but it seems like not much will be improved upon even if this petition does anything. The only thing I see improving is the Online Multiplayer... and they also may add a mictrotransaction for the German league.

Seems like FIFA 07 has the 'nod this time around. ;)

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